Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. İlhan HELVACI
Istanbul University


Degree Field University Year
Undergraduate Degree Law Istanbul University Law Faculty 1987
Graduate Private Law Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences 1989
PhD Private Law Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences 1997


Assistant Professor March 05, 1998
Associate Professor May 17, 2002
Professor October 30, 2008

III. Dissertations

1. Master’s Dissertation: Liability for Environmental Pollution Damages

2. Doctoral Dissertation: Lex Commissoria Prohibition According to Turkish Civil Law.

3. Associate Professor Dissertation: Disclaim of Inheritance According to Turkish Civil Code

4. Professor Dissertation: Contractual Mortgage According to Turkish Civil Code Compared to the Former Civil Code

IV. Books

1. Liability For Environmental Pollution Damages, Istanbul, 1989 (VIII+106 p.).

2. Lex Commissoria Prohibition According to Turkish Civil Code, Istanbul, 1997 (XXXI+158 p.).

3. Disclaim of Inheritance According to Turkish Civil Code Compared to the Former Civil Code, Istanbul, 2002 (XXIV+256 p.).

4. Contractual Mortgage According to Turkish Civil Code Compared to the Former Civil Code, Istanbul, 2008 (XLVII+423 p.).

5. Legal Opinions on the Law of Obligations (Particularly Contractual Disputes), Law of Inheritance and Law of Property (2000-2010), Istanbul, 2010 (XXIV+728 p.).

6. The New Turkish Code of Obligations with Reasons, Comparisons, Legal Precedents and Annotations, and the Law Regarding Enforcement and Application of the Turkish Code of Obligations, Istanbul, 2011 (XV+1392 s).

7. Turkish Civil Code with Reasons, Comparisons, Legal Precedents and Annotations, Volume I, Law of Persons, Istanbul, 2013 (XV+342 p.).

8. Turkish Civil Code with Reasons, Comparisons, Legal Precedents and Annotations, Volume II, Family Law, Istanbul, 2013 (XV+784 p.).

9. Turkish Civil Code with Reasons, Comparisons, Legal Precedents and Notes, Volume III, Law of Inheritance, Istanbul, 2013 (XV+400 p.).

10. Turkish Civil Code with Reasons, Comparisons, Legal Precedents and Annotations, Volume IV, Law of Property, Istanbul, 2013 (XV+947 p.).

11. Turkish Civil Code and Turkish Code of Obligations – Enforcement Laws with Annotations, Istanbul, 2015, Filiz Kitabevi, ISBN: 978-975-368-396-8, (VIII + 700 p.).

12. Legal Opinions on the Law of Obligations (Particularly Contractual Disputes), Law of Inheritance, Law of Property and Law of Persons (Associations and Foundations) (2010-2015), Istanbul, 2017 (XX+853 p.).

13. Bibliography on Civil Law and Law of Obligations (Introduction to Civil Law, Law of Persons, Family Law, Law of Inheritance, Law of Property, Law of Obligations, Comparative Law, Urban Renewal Law, Consumer Law, Enforcement Law) , (with Res. Asst. Efe Can Yıldırır), Istanbul, 2017, On İki Levha Yayıncılık, 978-605-152-495-5 (XX+680 p.).

14. Turkish Contract Law, Springer International Publishing AG, 2017 (XX+312 s. ).

15. Le droit turc du contrat, Schulthess Éditions Romandes, Zürich, 2018, (XIV+323 s.) ISBN 978-3-7255-9093-3.

16. Turkish Civil Code and Turkish Code of Obligations, Enforcement Laws with Annotations, Revised and Extended 2nd Edition, Istanbul, 2018 (VIII+778 p.)

17. Turkish Civil Code and Turkish Code of Obligations, Enforcement Laws with Annotations, 294 Decisions to Unify the Jurisprudence of Court of Cassation (1926-2019), 3rd Revised and Extended Edition, Istanbul, 2020 (XII+784 p.)

18. Civil Law and Law of Obligations Terms and Usage Examples in Turkish - French - German - English, Istanbul, 2020 (XX+452 p.)

19. Turkish Civil Code and Turkish Code of Obligations, Enforcement Laws with Annotations, 295 Decisions to Unify the Jurisprudence of Court of Cassation (1926-2020), 4th Revised and Extended Edition, Istanbul, 2020 (XII+792 p.)

20. Civil Law and Law of Obligations Terms and Usage Examples in Turkish - French - German - English, 2nd Revised Edition, Istanbul, 2021 (XX+452 p.).

21. Legal Opinions on the Law of Obligations (Particularly Contractual Disputes), Law of Inheritance and Law of Property (2015-2020), Istanbul, 2021 (XVIII+822 p.).

V. Articles

Articles in Turkish

1. Temyiz Kudretinden Yoksun Şahısların Hukukî Sorumluluğu Üzerine, İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, Prof. Dr. Orhan Münir Çağıl’a Armağan Sayısı, Yıl: 1997, Cilt: LV, Sayı: 4, s: 145-171.

2. İsviçre Borçlar Kanununun Sözleşmeden Doğan Ön-alım, Alım ve Geri Alım Haklarına İlişkin Değişiklikleri (İsviçre Borçlar Kanunu madde 216/fıkra 2, fıkra 3, madde 216a-216e), Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni, Yıl: 19-20, Sayı: 1-2, 1999-2000, Prof. Dr. Aysel Çelikel’e Armağan, İstanbul, 2001, s: 397-417.

3. Ölüme Bağlı Tasarrufların İptali Davasında Ayırt Etme Gücünün (Temyiz Kudretinin) İspatı, Prof. Dr. Ömer Teoman’a 55. Yaş Günü Armağanı, C: II, İstanbul, 2002, s: 1113-1150.

4. Kişilik Haklarını Koruyan Davalar ve Tazminat Davaları, Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi, Sayı: 3, Nisan, Yıl: 2005, s: 261-265.

5. Türk Borçlar Kanunu Tasarısının Hukuka Aykırı Eylemlerden Sorumluluğa İlişkin Hükümlerinin Ana Hatlarıyla Değerlendirilmesi, Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi, Sayı 4, Ağustos, Yıl: 2005, s: 101-108.

6. Banka Kredi Sözleşmeleri Çerçevesinde Adi Kefalet Sözleşmesine İlişkin Gelişmeler, İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, Yıl: 2007, Cilt: LXV, S: 1, s: 263-272.

7. Sanayi İşletmelerinde Ticari İşletme Rehni Üzerine (Ticari İşletme Rehni Kanunu Ek Madde 2), İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, Yıl: 2007, Cilt: LXV, S: 1, s: 273-284.

8. Özürlüler Hakkında Kanun’un Borçlar Kanunu, Ticaret Kanunu, Medeni Kanun ve Noterlik Kanunu Bakımından Getirdiği Değişiklikler Üzerine (Türk Borçlar Kanunu ve Türk Ticaret Kanunu Tasarıları Hakkında Bazı Saptamalar), Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Ülgen’e Armağan, Cilt: II, İstanbul, 2007, s: 1865-1876.

9. Edinilmiş Mallara Katılma Rejiminin Boşanma Nedeniyle Sona Ermesi Halinde Artık Değere Katılma Alacağının Tabi Olacağı Zamanaşımı Süresi Üzerine, (İçtihadı Birleştirme Kararını Gerektiren Bir Durum), Rona Serozan’a Armağan, Cilt:I, İstanbul, 2010, s: 969-980.

Articles in French

1. L’action en réparation du tort moral, Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’İstanbul, XXXIII, No: 50, İstanbul, 2001, s: 213-241.

2. Quelques réflexions sur l’article 559 du nouveau Code civil turc, Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’İstanbul, XXXIV, No: 51, İstanbul, 2002, s: 311-316.

3. La transmissibilité de la créance en indemnité pour tort moral aux héritiers, (Code Civil Turc art. 25/al. 4), Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’İstanbul, XXXV, No: 52, İstanbul, 2003, s: 339-347.

4. Réflexions sur certains problèmes relatifs à la propriété commune des héritiers, Prof. Dr. Hayri Domaniç’e 80. Yaş Günü Armağanı, Cilt II, İstanbul, 2001, s: 893-903.

5. Le préjudice écologique, (İkinci yazarı Doç. Dr. Serap Amasya), Travaux de l’Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française, Journées québécoises de Montréal et Québec : L’indemnisation, 13-17 Septembre 2004, Tome LIV, 2004, Paris, éd. SLC, 2008, s: 473-477.

6. La révision du contrat, (Birinci yazarı Prof. Dr. Haluk Burcuoğlu), Travaux de l’Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française, Journées brésiliennes de Rio de Janeiro et Sao Paulo : Le contrat, Tome LV, 2005, Paris, éd. SLC, 2009 s: ***-***.

7. La rupture du contrat, (İkinci yazarı Doç. Dr. Serap Amasya), Travaux de l’Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française, Journées brésiliennes de Rio de Janeiro et Sao Paulo : Le contrat, 23-27 Mai 2005, Tome LV, 2005, Paris, éd. SLC, 2009 s: 931-937.

8. Les contrats du consommateur, (Birinci yazarı Prof. Dr. Haluk Burcuoğlu), Travaux de l-Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française, Journées colombiennes de Bogota et Carthagène : Le consommateur, Tome LVII, 2007, Paris, éd. LB2V et Bruylant, 2010, s:***-***.

Articles in English

1. The Return of the Ordinary Suretyship Contract, Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul, XXXVIII, No: 55, İstanbul, 2006, s: 231-236.

2. Grandparents- Access to Their Grandchildren, (A comparative and historical approach to Turkish and Swiss Civil Codes), Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul, XXXVIII, No: 55, İstanbul, 2006, s: 223-229.

3. Some reflections on Transactions Requiring Spousal Consent, (Turkish Civil Code art. 194 and art. 223 / p. 2 and Turkish Code of Obligations Project art. 589, Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul, XXXIX, No: 56, İstanbul, 2007, s: 295-301.

VI. Papers

1. Presentation of the Communiqué "The Developments in the field of Real Securities in the Turkish Civil Law" ("Les nouveautés concernant les sûretés réels dans le Code civil Turc") during the International Symposium held in Istanbul on 2-3 November 2007 titled "Similarities and Differences on the 100th anniversary of the Swiss Civil Law and the 80th anniversary of the Turkish Civil Law", in 100 Jahre Schweizerisches ZGB 80 Jahre Türkische ZGB - Konvergenzen und Divergenzen - ,2008, Berlin, pp. 130-133

2. Presentation of the Communiqué "Developments in the Banks’ Practices of Pledging Movable Property" during the Banking and Consumer Law Colloque within the scope of Turkish-Swiss Law Days (Journées Juridiques Turco-Suisses Türkisch - Schweizerische Juristentage), Istanbul, 2010, pp. 327-330.

3. Presentation of the Communiqué "Developments and Changes Related to the Competent Jurisdiction to Resolve Disputes between Professional Footballers and Clubs" during the International Sports Law Symposium within the scope of 60th International Association of Legal Science ("IALS") Congress held in Istanbul on 13-14 May 2010 by the International Association of Legal Science (IALS), Turkish National Committee and Comparative Law Research and Application Center of the Faculty of Law, Istanbul University, Istanbul, 2010 (to be printed soon).

4. Presentation of the Communiqué "Rights Creating Sales Relationship" during the Symposium on Turkish Code of Obligations held at Istanbul Bilgi University on 1-2 April 2011, Symposium on Turkish Code of Obligations, Istanbul, 2012, pp. 223-233.

5. Presentation of the Communiqué "About the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Appeals on the Preemptive Right Arising from Article 713 of our Civil Law and the law" during the "Symposium on Evaluation of the Decisions issued by the Supreme Court of Appeals in relation to Civil Law" held at Istanbul University on 21 May 2012, Istanbul, 2012 (to be printed soon).

VII. Translations

1. Avrupa Sosyal Politikası İçin Maastricht Anlaşması ile Kurulan Sosyal Çerçeve, (Nicole Delorme), (The Social Frame Formed By Masstricht Treaty for European Social Policy), Journal of The Faculty of Law, Istanbul University, Dedication to Prof. Dr. Türkân Rado, (Special Issue), Year: 1997, Volume: LV, No: 3, pp: 365-388.

2. Kadınlar ve Erkekler Arasında Eşitlik Hakkında İsviçre Federal Kanunu, (Swiss Federal Law on The Equality Between Women and Men), Dedication to The Memory of Prof. Dr. Selahattin Sulhi Tekinay, Istanbul, 1999, pp: 323-328.

3. Akdin Feshinden Sonra Edimlerin İadesi, (Paul Piotet),(Restitution of The Prestations After The Rescission of Contract), Dedication to The Memory Of Prof. Dr. Kemal Oğuzman, Istanbul, 2000, pp: 917-924.

VIII. Decision Analyses

1. A Gift in the Honor of the Memory of Prof. Selahattin Sulhi Tekinay upon the Decision dated 19 December 1995 of the German Federal Court Ordering that Private Space of People Who Have Become Public Figures in Absolute Terms Should Be Respected, Istanbul, 1999, pp. 329-341.


The Transfer of Immovable Property in Turkey, edited by: E. J. Cooke, U. Jensen, L. M. Martínez has been accepted for publication in the international study entitled: «The Transfer of Immovable Property in Europe».


1. 3-Month Research Scholarship from Hamburg Max Planck Institut 

2. 9-Month Research Scholarship between October 15, 1994 and July 15, 1995 from the Swiss Government.



Student’s Name Thesis Title Completion Date
1.Senem EKEN Foreign Currency Liens 2006
2.Emre KOÇAK Turkish Football Federation Arbitration Committee 2007
3.Atahan SEVİMLİ Protection of Musical Works within the Framework of Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works 2007
4.Sendi YAKUPPUR Contractor’s Obligation for Delivery of Work and Violations of Obligation for Delivery in Construction Contracts 2009
5.Nilufer CABI Financing Contracts Regarding the Purchase of Housing According to the Law on Consumer Protection 2010
6.Duygu SARUHAN Assignment of Receivables for Guarantee 2010


Student’s Name Thesis Title Completion Date
1.Şirin AYDINCIK Non-Performance of Obligations to Do and Legal Consequences 2010
2.Sendi YAKUPPUR The Principle of Trust in the Land Register 2013


18/11/2003-28/12/2004 Istanbul University Law Faculty Board Member

Istanbul University Law School Alumni Association
Association Henri Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Française 


French, English, German
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Atty. Prof. Dr. İlhan Helvacı Law Office
Quasar Tower, No: 2807, Büyükdere Caddesi, No: 76, 34394, Şişli, İstanbul – Türkiye
Phone: +90 212 263 35 25 Fax: +90 212 263 35 26